Cardiovascular Marionette

The antenna extends

to transcribe waves across my body

If you saw me

then you would see me

and what I mean

It's the ripple affecting me

and my poor judgments

smug whispers from all sides

as I'm surrounded by the indignant,

Multiple-teeth configure the status'

they chew through options

grasping my assitance

jawing my common nature

widdling my stainless reserve,

Opposites reflect less truth than lie

Lie with me tonight

and I'll show you honesty,

Watch me from the monitors

as I tustle with ghosts

voted in vitro

glass specimens with etheral mass

must cast a shadow hourly,

Visualization is key for retaining self

retract your eyes back

and look away from the organs,

They'll do nothing but stain corruption,

I can manipulate the strings

but never the heart

I can define anatomy

but can never identify which part

that will make you start loving me

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Scientific Method In't

I like the empirical and anatomical imagery surrounding a come-on line. Nice - Just Bein' Stella