Willow’s Loom

From depths in the hollow during dreary of night,
in boding shadows, eyes peer through darkness.
Hidden by loom, crouching voices in the willows,
a steadfast chirp spurs mind to reaches’ edge.

As whooshing winds carry eve’s eerie thrust,
near rustled leaves lend hiss to haunting chorus.
Inside oneself form images of evil being born;
try as might will, clutch of fear grants no pass.

Silhouettes in moonlight swaying to forlorn song,
presenting view to demise conjured by their dance
Venom from serpent to poison all with its touch,
creeping comes vile behind shades without doubt.

Asleep on midnight’s ebon pitch, creatures in the wait;
fall of day forever finds them in their waking rise.
Beneath the willows, seeming voice calls your name;
eyes that look upon you follow with their gaze.

Nearing to the firelight for quell of coursing shudders,
embers fed by flicker are doused within the chill.
Sudden stir of sultry air sends terror across your face;
breath of hell behind you seeks a mortal’s fate.

Summoned from depths, heard voices come stalking;
shadows unseen, tasting your last breath of life.
In surrounding song the night’s chirping swells;
screams fading in distance beneath the willow’s loom.

© C.E.Vance

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Being alone is never safe. Just another thought.

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