
I’m hurting inside

And symbolized by my tears

Are my insecurities, doubts,

Issues and fears

I was completely transformed

Into a different type of man

It put me outside of my norm

And I hope you can understand

Still doesn’t justify my actions

Damn I feel so much shame

Have your feelings for me reduced to mere Fractions?

If so I’m the one to blame

My stupidity has simply pushed you away

Being selfish, scared and inconsiderate

Please believe my words when I say, today

I’m getting rid of all that shit.

Figure things out I’ll back down and give you space

Like Ushers’ song says I’ll just have to let it burn

Feelings won’t change, in my heart and mind will remain your place

And I’ll pray and hope that one day you'll return.

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Kelsi Powers's picture


Wow! I just found your poem and it's packed full of great emotion. It reminded me of the song "So It Goes" by Billy Joel. I love the line ~

"Still doesn’t justify my actions"

I feel as though you write your words understanding that you are human, understanding that no justification stands, but still apologizing. Admitting the fault. I feel like not a lot of people are strong enough to say things like that, and I commend you posting this piece for us all to read.

One thing I noticed is that the tempo/beat of the piece changes about halfway through. It feels as though you have a steady rhythm in the first half or quarter, and then you switch into another. It's good though, because it catches the reader off guard, makes them pay more attention, rather than falling into something repetitive.

Great work!

kim's picture
