Distant Lovers'

Distant Lovers’ is the unfortunate title we must hold

Anxiously anticipating to see how this thing will unfold

As I lay in my bed at the wall I do stare

Thinking to myself “Damn life just isn't fair!”

You told me to you I have no obligations

But I’m in love, which causes many frustrations

Reminiscence of time spent and are last kiss

Ohhh how I wish everyday could be like this

10 hours away, in my mind and heart you’re here

Yearning for the moment that you can always be near

So as I turn off the lights and duck my head underneath the covers

Another day goes by and we still remain distant lovers’

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was in a serious long distant relationship when I wrote this...it sucks! What made it even worse was that I was in love.

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Trina Love's picture

Nice poem Kevin...

irene's picture

wow this piece stood out above the rest, i respect ur skill to express so many peoples situations so detailed. Im sure anyone and everyone can relate... you have a talent make sure it doesn't go to waste

Nikki Reents's picture

Hey...I love this poem...I'm there now, and I hate it. It is really hard. You found an amazing way of putting that situation into beautifully written words...Never stop writing...I look forward to reading more from you.


Jay McWilliams's picture

I enjoyed his piece...very beautiful. Much Luv, Jay.

hccgirl04's picture

Hey, love the poem. I went through this too at one time. For 2 years. Long distance relationships suck! Keep up the good work.
~*~ Jill ~*~