so dark the moon doesnt show
walk through the darkness hungry and freezing cold
try to take your mind off of it but the cold winds continue to blow
you push against the elements to reach your goal
that twinkling light of success getting farther away
that feeling of accomplishment but devoured by the darkness of nowadays
feelings of determination wither slowly
leaving the harsh taste of defeat and the want to give up hope
look out for assistance or atleast encouragement but nope
the familiar feelings of being all alone greet you coldly
and finally with your goal outta sight
and you feel the need to collapse
the night is filled with unimaginable fright
you look and see that you never noticed that little ray of blue moonlight
your dreams are no longer impossible
just a little farther than you thought they were
the cold just seems like a gentle breeze
not even enough to make you sneeze
so you get up and take your stride
and let the blue moonlight be your guide
Blue Moonlight
Just a slither of hope is all a human needs, give a human an inch and a human will conquer the universe - it's a human thing. Best write yet to me. ~A~
true that. we ooze
true that. we ooze determination. really? thanks. Imma write more like this then