Lets count how many skeletons you have in your closet
How many things you've done that you'd like to forget
Those people you've hurt
and treated like dirt
I've got regrets
You do too
But did you care about whose heart you tried to dissect
That nerd you bullied straight for 6 years
you think if you ever need his help he'll waste his time to hear
Call it what you want justice,revenge,karma
Isnt it eaiser to be normal than try to be popular by causing so much drama
They say that life isnt white or black but different shades of grey
but what shade are you higher in the white or black
so when the plainest girl n your class hits u accidentally help her up and ask are u okay
or dont
its just my advise
but if karma is real
who'd you think would end up with the raw end of the deal
True True. This is a great
True True. This is a great poem. I really loved it.
thanks. check out my others
thanks. check out my others too
tell em!
tell em!
Help For The Hurter
I was pondering that notion today - if someone who had done me harm was needing my help would I give it - if I could save their life - yes, it it was to make them look good, probably not. Life is like that! ~~A~~