Paradise. It is found in a mother's embrace
happiness at the smile and shine of her face
Surge of power at the encouragement of her words
Intellect at the acceptance of her wisdom
Selflessness and zeal at the prospect of protecting her from harm
There are few feelings as euphoric as the sound of a mother laughing
Likewise, few things are as gut wrenching as her crying
To realize she suffered like most but hid it from your infantile eyes
The realization that as a child, your words were full on pure honesty without a modicum of restraint in your words
The statement of pain as a question. The inherent honesty may hurt more than lies
And yet her refusal to give up in the face of several storms. A great accomplishment
Such determination, teeth shining, smiling, eyes twinkling in the face of every deterrent
From the pain of childbirth to the struggle to give you the world
There is no greater parent
Understandably, you strive to repay this boundless debt
You yearn to give her a fraction of the love, gifts, and strength you have been given since birth
You acknowledge this herculean task
But as you contemplate this insurmountable feat
Worry not, her love was not bought, it came with no receipts
Paradise is found at your mother's feet