She woke up in a cold sweat flustered yet optimistic
It seemed much more than a dream, fluid and malleable
She moulded it and created masterpieces
Then it all turned to black and she was pulled in and sucked out at the same time
Before she was thrown out of her own dreamscape and her REM CYCLE ceased
she saw a hole… no a keyhole which illuminated a door and in turn cast aside the darkness
In the darkness she had instead focused on hope
so she woke up in a cold sweat, flustered yet optimistic
Your style has evolved to the elevation of poetic dream quality - nicely woven, emotionally stringent, and excellent flow of ideas and vocabulary. Stay with us. We miss the fruit of your study and the execution of your art. Nice pix, bye the bye ~Stella~
Woah. Thank you so much. Best
Woah. Thank you so much. Best compliment ever.