It's good to move on but you'll get hurt first
It's fine to have fun and know that sometimes you'll thirst for that fun and not find it
It's swell to love long
but others are too busy focusing on love long lost
It's a dream to stand on your own two feet not anchored by the problems of the world
but a seamless life like that is a dream, and what do you do when the dream ends,you wake up and realize reality is soured?
and you realize that all is not as it seems
You'll fight for your dreams
We aren't elevated above our problems but it does not mean we'll let them pull us down
A perfect monotonous world would be boring sad and bleak
we are intuitive, naturally there is more to life, we know it and so we seek
We seek so we get hurt but we learn and once agan we seek
You never know how strong you truly are
Until you're left with no option option after a disaster
The same thing shouldn't hurt as much twice
Get up, shake the dust off and smile, smile through the pain even if it makes you wince
Despair not what doesn't have any physical and substantial proof
Do not cower over what cannot be seen or heard
Fear of the unknown is something you should dread
So tell life to bring it's worst and take it until you're worse for wear
Do this because when it's all over and you rise up(you will)
You'll be failure's own worst fear
Very Prosaic
style that has evolved nicely in your later work - central theme: get up! You fail, you get up and try something else. Yes! Encouraging lines , shy of imagry and poetic devices; mostly prose. ~allets~