I walk the streets,
painted ladies at the corners,
men with bottles
filling up faster than before.
The night it refreshes me,
I relinquish my pain;
my eternal damnation.
Little boys light the street lights,
tiny fires strike the faces
such sweet faces.
Cherubs of desire
mocking me.
The flame arises in my chest,
my veins dry and tense.
I need to feed.
Some homeless man or slutty wench
I will capture their lust
bottle it with my feminine ways
They will sucuumb to me.
The night breeds all manners of fear
but I fear no more.
Gentle waves of anxiety rush over me.
I must feed now.
A man walks out of a store with a package
I can feel the blood in his body,
the sweet, intoxicating perfume of it.
I will take him.
Silently I follow, his footsteps are languid and decisive.
My mind wonders how to kill him.
I run my fingers over the edge of my hood,
slowly it slides down my head.
Golden hair,
soft, fair skin.
Pretty, helpless, needy.
I am every man's desire
and every woman's model.
The moon is silent as I fall to the ground.
Quickly the man turns around.
I gasp and wail slightly,
he is mine now.
His steps are quick now
I feel the pull of his human life.
"Miss, have you taken suddenly ill?"
Then I see him.
And I cannot breathe.
So long I have spent in my own world,
feeding off the mortal soul.
I am wasted to the feelings they possess...
Or so I thought.
"I am...fine..."
I whisper.
I mutter.
I cannot breathe.
I don't have to breathe.
"Please, let me help you up?"
His face, his features!
Oh! How I long to remember my lover's eyes!
The sight of his charming smile,
his worried eyes!
Where have I been sleeping these many years?!
And when his hand falls into mine,
there is a soft glow to my skin.
A rushing warmth to my dead cheeks.
"Thank you."
He looks at me with reservations.
I cannot see through him,
his mind is pure, it is hidden.
My past I cannot contain!
How his beauty burns me!
It torments my soul!
I am again the innocent girl of my childhood.
Where have you been hiding, my prince?!
"Can I call for someone to take you home?"
The deep rumble in his chest,
I long to feel it upon my own.
Our eyes meet, and I am reminded of what I am oncemore.
I see more than he will ever.
The veins pulse red on his neck
his aura, an epic blue.
My mouth begins to quiver.
My love, my lover, what am I to do?
His skin is repulsed by my own,
I shall never share a morning with him,
shall never call on him at work.
I could have had it!
My innocence was stolen!
My prince, ripped from the very depths of my soul!
I too was once so young!
So sweet!
So naive!
I grasp his neck roughly,
tear at the flesh with my teeth.
Rip at the vein that contains my humanity.
I will pull him apart!
I will take from him what was taken from me!
His body fights me, lashes out at what he doesn't want.
But I naw and I bite and I feel the warm dripping
of blood.
of his blood.
of my blood.
We sink to the ground,
the wet cobblestone floor of this city.
My dress provides a soft pillow for his head
his pale face perfectly untouched by my impulses.
I have killed again.
My lover, of centuries untouched
is dead.
And the warmth of his love returns to my insides,
floods my organs
as I recieve new life.
But I must flee him now,
the sun is rising, peeking over the roof tops.
One last look at my lover's body,
the reincarnation of my earthly desires,
and I am gone.
Back to my hell hole,
hiding away from the humans
from the mortals who I came from.
The numbness returns to my stolen soul,
Sucked back into my own darkness,
wallowing in the night.
I am the fear that has been quieted,
but only for the night.
Bladder full of blood
Don't mind me, better that you do, I'm simply pinning this page, for the best vampire poem I ever experienced! And that's putting my pride aside, because it reminded me of a masculine twist to this-perhaps with my tale "Cardamax"
peace, pot, tequila shot
Jesus loves us, stoned or not