I Hate You...I Love You

I hate you.

But I love you.

Love everything about you.

Your eyes, your touch.

Your smile, your laugh.

I love how much you hate me.

How much you wait for me to be stupid.

I love how much you are innocent in my eyes.

The fact that you aren't makes it so crazy.

I love you.

Your giggle, your stupidity.

Your brain, your kiss.

It's a wild ride, but I love it.

Tell me, do you love me?

Cuz I love you.

Very much.

I love how you are fake, and your exterior is false.

It's wrong, but I love it.

Love, love, love.

And it hurts so much that its plain to see:

I hate you, but I love you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i wish that i could love you like i hate you, how simple would that be??

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