I thought it now barren,
just empty of all emotion-
save for the despair
that so filled the hollow voids
and overtook any and all joy.
Now made to close itself off,
from the hurtful, hurled words,
-a verbal bashing of a heart,
long-numbed from maiming
and cold to missing affections.
No longer an open novel,
shared with others, unashamed,
now bound up tightly
with its very own bindings,
in attempt to protect and shield.
I had to...to simply survive.
It became necessary
to shutter my eyes closed,
lest someone penetrate
my occular windows...and learn.
Learn of the misery, the fear,
the utter anguish and torment,
that for so long, far TOO long,
was concealed and masked,
in fear of anyone, knowing my truth.
Because who would believe
after so many years of concealing,
that such was my my existance
for almost...all along
so much that I wished to die.
Then in a sudden moment of Grace,
as I sat, tears streaming,
hands upturned, in sobbing prayer,
lost and broken, I petioned Him,
And God heard...and answered.
He gave me my answer-
along with the courage, the strength
and determination to break the ties,
that for too long, held me bound-
an inmate to another's sentencing.
No longer afraid, I rose up,
standing as tall as my convictions
and in a mere conversation,
took back and took charge
of what was mine-my very life-my soul.
In what can only be God's planning,
His desire for His daughter's happiness,
He gave hope and love, back to me,
In a most unexpected source-
Where a past, became the present.
No longer devoid of any emotion,
No longer tied to what was,
Now moving forward to who is,
I am now, a soul-resurrected,
And life, became again, so worth living.