Album and Music Ideas

Music ideas

Album where each song is a different mindset of my head
I hate myself
Ill nevr find love
Dont want to find love
Crave companionship

Album where each song should be about one bad part of musicians.

Song about killing myself (suicide note)

Song about kayla. Listen to 25 to life
Song called I Hate You. First two verses about other people. Last verse about me.

Music video
Fade in from black im in a room surrounded by tv screens. And there are people in all black suits behind glass window watching me. I'm in a strait jacket and strapped to a chair. After a few seconds I fall asleep from exhaustion. The men come in the room to untie me and undo my strait jacket and disconnect my electrodes. As soon as they get the electrodes off, I bolt. I snag a shirt in the hall and put it on. I run down the hall farther and find a hatch in the floor labeled emergency exit danger do not open. I open it and jump down. I land on a bed underneath the neck of someone. I look up and see the open hatch at the nape of the neck. I climb down the blanket and there are cameras everywhere watching me. The TV is on and the person on the screen is watching me. I run out of the room through the living room and under the front door. I start growing in size till im the size of a normal person.

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