Its nice being so free
theres nothing like being able to be me
to make the choices
I always wanted to make
to take the chances
I always wanted to take
to run with the horses
to fly with the eagle
to watch as the storm rolls in
to like out in the fresh night air
to cook against an open fire
you were never much of the kind of guy
to enjoy these things
Its nice being so free
theres nothing like being able to be me
to make the choices
I always wanted to make
to take the chances
I always wanted to take
now theres nothing stopping me
from being everything I can be
heres nothing holding me back but me
Now I know why you're gone
you were never meant to be my ONE.
its nice being so free
theres nothing like being able to be me
to make the choices
i always wanted to make
to take the chances
i always wanted to take
it can be a song =D
it can be a song =D
That was my original plan. Im
That was my original plan. Im going to go back home and have one of my friends write the music. I'm a far better lyricist then at writing the music.
but thank you! :)