Much Worse

It was like a bad breakup.

The worst you could imagine.

It beat it all.

It beat the yelling.

And the screaming.

The crying.

The tears.

It beat the throat that was sore from begging and pleading.

It beat not being able to drive home because you couldn't see.

It beat throwing picture frames at the wall and hearing the glass shatter.

It beat screaming into the pillow.

It beat falling to the ground begging God to pull you up.

It beat the crippling feeling.

It beat the trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night to get sick.

It beat all of that.

It beat all of that because we were never officially together.

But it was there.

And when you said you didn't love me, it hurt like hell.

And that IT.

IT is something you cannot simply give a word to describe.

It's not something you can show.

It's a feeling that only you know and understand.

And it ended in a single teardrop and silence. And that is worse.

Much worse. 


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Seraphim's picture

Sometimes endings are truly new beginnings.

Sometimes endings are truly new beginnings.

Sometimes pain is close to love

Sometimes hope can be too fragile

Sometimes we turn our eyes above.


Life can be painful, and it rarely goes our way.

We just have to put a brave face on it, and realize

That it can't rain everyday. <I didn't mean that to rhyme.


4 weeks late but, I hope you're feeling better, "time heals all

wounds," as they say.



Post Tenebras Spero Lucem