My dad's chain and ring

Since I can remember my father has used a gold chain that he bought for himself when he was 18 because he told me that everyone his age had one. But it became a part of him, I can’t remember my father without his gold necklace. He bought it in Switzerland when he was living there back in 1985, after that my grandparents bought him a cross to put it in it, then my aunt Teresa (my father’s sister) bought him another one (everyone in my dad’s family are catholics) and after that my father came to Mexico because he married my mom, they had a trip and he bought a little charro hat made of gold as well for his little “collection”. I think that it’s amazing that he hasn’t taken it since he first tied it in his neck. The necklace is long so it doesn’t bother him. And then his ring, is made of gold as well and it has a black circle on the top, my grandparents bought it for him when he was 25 because he finally had finished his studies. He’s always wearing it as well, just like the necklace. I can’t remember my dad without them. I think he uses them to remember who he is, and to remember his family. My father has been in México for over 27 years and every 2 years or so he goes to visit his family; my grandmother, aunts, cousins, etc. And last year he turned 55 and my grandmother gave him another charm for his necklace, it is a golden circle that means unity and infinity, for him to think wisely and to maintain everything in order as the man of our family. My favorite one definitely is the little charro hat because even though he is not Mexican, I think after all these years living here he feels like one and maybe that’s the reason he bought that little charm, so I’m happy that even though he’s really far away from his family and hometown he has managed to make one here in Mexico with my mom and his children (my brother and myself) and to like it so much that from time to time I ask him if he would like to go back and he always says that there’s no place like our country and he’s happy for the decisions he has made in his life.

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Nice job! ~~A~~