Imagine this

Two bodies in contact face to face, learn the warmth of sweet embrace,
'Your heart it beats I feel it so, talk to mine and soothe my soul',
Her cheeks blush rouge, although confused, entwined in romance yet once removed,
They'll come a time when she will see, it was not god who made thee seek the words to speak her heart so meek and soul to keep,
But cupids dust sprayed at dusk amongst the caves and mammal tusks, resides and hides to coincide with the sun amongst the countryside,
These two lovers here do learn that trust and love are not learnt, they're earned.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Again, just clearing out my poets pipes.

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Dmack8104's picture


Thats beautiful i love the word play

An ignorant mind neglects common sense, seeking what doesn't exists, unaware of the coming abyss, and cannot see the hate behind a loving kiss. - Devonte Mack

’ ̿’̵͇̿̿з=(ˆ◡ˆ)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ Don't make me shoot you with my love, Its deadly..

Captivate_my_interest's picture

Thank you very much. _ Sir,

Thank you very much.


Sir, you know not love if you must label it suicide,
Unrequited perhaps will cause relapse,
But if returned of course it will save you..