
Sienna Duff

My Portfolio
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London, United Kingdom

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Hey there, I'm an 18 year Scorpio who loves food with dreams of travelling to Japan and becoming successful some day, really just to make something of myself. As well as poetry I watch anime, listen to K-Pop, play video games, study languages, bake cakes and make weird memes in my spare time, to name of few things I get up to. Poetry and writing has kind of been my thing since I was 7 years old and I've been wanting to get back into it. :P I feel however, everyone is at different levels and some of us lose our knack for writing and gain it back again, it's really just one form of self expression.

Rebuilding on which will be the blog where publish my poems.

About My Navel

Well that's strange but hey...

Dear Navel,
On my tummy is where you lie
An outie, representing a third eye
I wash you daily in the shower
And see you again at a certain hour
You look pretty strange, so at first I shivered
But I guess you can blame the doctor for the way it was delivered
He cut the cord and I was like 'Damn'
When the pregnancy was due
But growing from a baby, I've grown to love you too. :)

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9 years 14 weeks