Dreaming of Breathing

Dreaming of breathing,

instead of believing,

that I will make it through.

The tests are decieving,

This struggle unnerving,

uncertain and failing.

Clinging to sanity,

birthed in the depravity,

of the lie I am living

Knowing the past,

Is brighter,

Than what future lay before me.

Faded, and broken,

With the fear that resides,

In my dark twisted mind,

This dusty reflection,

clearly shows

my tainted surrender,

The strength,

The courage,

To go on unflinching

My prayers are stained

with tears,

as they leave my shaking body.

I simply can not,

I must not

give in to this feeling,

Dreaming of breathing,

instead of believing,

that I will, make it through another day....

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