This I say today my flight, capturing the magnificent
Subtle, sundry, savor salad... Pressing down the rocking ballad ballet
Froth and foam, ancient Rome... Peace and ponder glacier roam
Adverb entry, peace and sympathy... Pressing lips of eros plenty
Proctor, gamble... Rabbid ramble, fluster peace and roster rumble..
Mommy daddy puppy tumble, bee and bumble rubber relish...
Speed and spite might open order, oslo norway checks mex and border
Peace the find, tongue umber ocre... 5 card poker plotter roper..
i wish i had a mommy dommy daddy dumble baby bully...
Peeky popper piper proper, pace and fade the wishful wander...
Alas, the somber sullen...
fun 2 read
smiled s
Hi allets!!! Kitty catty
Hi allets!!! Kitty catty missy meow!