
There is no time, except that which has already passed

Each moment like a world in itself, let the grass grow

We leave so many things unfinished, and then regret not finishing

Let the time pass, slowly like a delicate flower growing

Maybe then you will see me watching you


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osiriss-'s picture

Thank you for all the

Thank you for all the comments, it keeps me writing!!

allets's picture


When I die, a last thought: Shoot! I didn't finish that novel and have no idea what happened. Do it now! ~allets~




SSmoothie's picture

Why arent you so damn bloody

Why arent you so damn bloody famous yet? Incredible! I wish I was feeling this kind of beauty inside... hugss n love 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."