Pain To See You

out i see the stars shining high

i attempted to draw you in the sky

trying to imagine how you would look like

after years you've been gone

i've always prayed to come across you

like how others had the chance to

meeting you is always in my prayers

but it has never been answered

my days were filled with you in my head

my nights were filled with u in my dreams

whats hunger when i craved you

whats sleep when you keep appearing

walk as i walk on a street

catchy tune, keeping up with the beat

my eyes were glaring

but i could see someone watching

the day when my mind has forgotten about you

why must you appear

though all this while in my dreams

why must you appear in reality

i tried not to turn

but my heart wanted to

the moment i turned

it was you, your return

i froze, dumbfounded

every feeling surrounded

rooted to the ground

a smile with a frown

imagining you is hard

coming across you is hurtful

we are two world that can never meet

being separated, standing on our own feet

whats love when it doesnt last

whats promises if it is broken

whats my life when u existed

whats my life now when u exited

i live tomorrow facing the aftermath

i live tomorrow bringing myself up

i live praying for a fresh tomorrow

i want to start my day without feeling sorrow

now that i came across you

i pray i can never see or think about you

simply its too painful

to have ever come across someone like you

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