There are so many words I can't muster the courage to say,
I don't have to say them,
I don't want to say them,
I can't say them
Your kiss takes the breath from my body...the breath I need to speak
The words are written clear across my face
So easy to see through smeared mascara and a glistening layer of sweat
But do you really have to look at me to see?
You never do,
You never had to,
You never will
You can almost smell an emotion on my skin,
You can taste it on my tongue
You read the words right off of me
Carved in braille and cut into my soul,
You read my thoughts as your hands move steadily over my cold flesh
But as a blind man may know the touch of a statue never seen,
The smell of oil paint on canvas,
The sound of children laughing...
You will never know how I truly look.
very nice quality I liked it