Seraphs and Serpents

Writhe in the pain of imperfection
Cry out as the blade breaks the skin
Look for the root of dysfunction
Purge the body of the guilt of original sin

Broken glass on the shoreline
under the bare feet of seraphs
under the bellies of serpents

define purity with evil

Whiskey dipped fantasies
The burden of proof hangs heavy in the air
Weighing down the gods and demons alike
Held down by acid soaked wings
Celestial spirits walk on bleeding feet
Coating the underbelly of the archfiend
The serpent wrapped around the legs of the goddess
hungrily lapping up her purity

Touch the sky to melt the cotton-candy clouds
Fall right through the broken window panes
Break the cycle by breaking the skin
Drug induced nightmares
Where stars burn into flesh
Rain cleanses the mutilation
a welcoming salve on the acidic wounds
Sit on deaths stool to heal them

Walk on water to deaths door
Leave reality to the imagination
Look for the root of dysfunction
Purge the body of the guilt of original sin

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S74rw4rd's picture

This poem is utterly incredible, and indescribably beautiful!
