For Love


feel better...i can to date...

disfuse..and is so fake

it will get better..wheres ur faith...

i lost it in the sun.....

where all the hope at begun...

burned out and flicked in your eye

love seemed to have lasted for a second

then burned out and died...

the flames now says to you its your good bye

in seconds we all die alittle more no matter how hard we trie

we crie a little more

we bleed a little more

for love

for love

for love

we break a little more

we scream a little more

for love

for love

for love

then we all seem to fuck and go

all whores...all whore

never satify, always they bring the tears

then comes down the hopes and brings up the fears

love seems to sufficate me, it makes me sick

like it happen to be a fake narisitic trick..

but dont lie..never lie know things will work

if its met to be then dont stop and give up to die..

die in the love..let life run its course...

there is always tommorow...nothing pure comes with force..

of couse we crie a little more

we bleed a little more

for love

for love

for love

we break a little more

we scream a little more

for love

for love

for love....

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i love this poem
no pun intended