A Field of Forever Sunsets

Short Stories

As time goes on you can still hear the echoes of a past. Some memories long forgotten; but still very much alive in a sense many long forgotten. Times just traps every moment and hold it still. You can still journey but in the end there just memories.

There once was a boy with no face, standing in the middle of a swaying field of no time underneath a willow tree. Whoever stands in the field and look off into the horizon will always see a sunset, for they are endless The Sunset stands still representing the beauty of the one he loved.

He looks to the sky for forgiveness, only great emptiness follows, whispers of the wind. Nothing has this boy done,  no blasphemy or crime committed. But an injustice was committed to him. It will forever torture his very existence, and fill him with decay that will eventually eat him alive. At this moment he falls to his knees with his arms held high and opens his mouth straining to let out a cry, no voice follows willing to scream or speak, for sometimes silence is the greatest expression. From his empty eyes, fall tears. They shatter as they hit the ground, breaking apart into million of pieces. Where there was once grass and love, but now it has abandoned him. He lays himself down upon this doorway of dirt, and as each tear hit the dirt and absorb into the ground you see the story the boy named Tear unfolds like the most beautiful flowers of all, the heart.

The sky opened its eyes and let a single tear fall for the lost, scared, and misfortune of the world for its heart bleed for them and wanted nothing but love to overcome. This one tear turned into a boy of black and blue, made of pure innocence. He forever held compassion in his eyes to help the lost find their way. But there was a man named Deceit, who built everything on lies and manipulation. Deceit was against change and emotion, love especially and was willing to anything to do destroy it. When Deceit found out the boy Tear was born, a boy born out of pure love, he was in fear the child would destroy him and his empire. Then he a plan of such malice formed in his head. the only way he saw to destroy this child was by kidnapping him from his womb, anything that would cloud the child from that of truth.  After that, cut away his ability to create. So he took him away from his wound of love. From then on he was raised by Deceit in his captive layer of no regret, no problems, and fakeness where society could never touch his mind and hurt his heart. There were no emotions so there was no hurt. But not forever, Tear yearned something more, he felt like there was something beyond these walls cleanliness. something that seemed to be missing from him and his heart. So then Tear went and asked Deceit if he could leave and go beyond the walls so suffocating they were oppressing. Deceit told him pain lye beyond the walls and no beauty, no hope, just empty and then...nothing. As Tear heard Deceit say these words he saw from his eye of love deep inside his heart and fond out the one who raised him, was the one suffocating him, the lying to him. He pushed Deceit with tears of pity and regret away from the door, and walks through the gates restraining. But as Tear walked through he heard himself being beckoned back by Deceit by those fake memories. Tear deafen the cries and walked forward and never let his eyes sway back in love again.

As Tear wondered long and far he came across a place of Ruble and Ruins. A city of old; abandoned or destroyed now really knows. Small holes that littlered the ground. The further Tear walked into the ruins the larger holes grews. When Tear ventured into one of them, turned out to be caverns. Light up ahead indicated signs of life. Eventually home carved in the rock of the appeared the deeper he went inside. Hoping that this life that might still be here, secretly hoping they would surround him with a warm blanket.

Suddenly shinning eyes came out from behind the ebony of darkness and were now upon Tear.  Without fear he walked up to group of them and looked up a masked faced, engraved on the mask were the words ugly. They hide behind there masks all cluttered in the mines doing the endless work gathering souls embedded in the rock for Deceits hunger. There homes were shelters for the blind, for they judged all discreetly. They were never to allow new comers, for change and freedoms are forbidden and those who didn’t agree were cast out or put to death. But you could see there masks flicker in he candle light that covered the walls of the mine. Tear asked they needed another worker, but they looked up and down him with their stitched eyes and judged with fear, behind their twisted masks. First the Ugly smiled for they saw hope in his eyes but then frowned out of fear of change and then decided they didn’t need him. They turned their heads in disgust and went out there business but one stay behind to show him away from this place.

As they journeyed to the border that one ugly named Synthetic told him of a sword, a fallen reliquary that came from the sky in the days of old, from that of the EYE himself, from shards of his heart. Only the pure hearts of faith can lay there hands on it with just cause, and it stood under that of the black star. Then the one of The Ugly who accompanied him departed back to is slavery but broke his code for him, and gave him bread and food out of love, he didn’t go back to the city of ruins but took off in another directions saying "till we meet again, you have my blessing” away from there Tear went looking back on them with some pity, but with some hope that they could change for the reasons that one did give him a hand and his heart then Tear began to walked on, into a forest of sorrow.

Tear wondered deep and far into the forest and got lost in his loneliness, trapped in his sadness. Tear was about to give up and lay himself to rest. Then of far in the distance Tear saw a black star that stood above the trees hanging in the sky he followed it like a sailor who wanted to get home. When Tear got to it, he found it guarded by a woman as pale as the white snow, wearing a black dress, she stood upon the star gazing down at him. He kneeled and prayed silently util she spoke. She said " bear your heart, and walk with grace to me, my name is Hope I bear a sacred relic for you, one that shall bring some hope to this ravished world, use it only to rite thy wrongs, follow thy heart, and bring justice and no matter what love shall prevail." Tear took this sword with thankfulness and swore to bide by what she said. He then walked off into the direction of the light. As soon a she appeared she gone, faded away the black star of forever.

When Tear came to the edge of a clearing he saw a field of forever sunsets.  He stopped and looked at it. In the middle of the field dancing he saw true beauty for the first time, no only the sunset glimmering giving off warmth of that only the heart could bring, but the silhouette of what it seemed to an angel. For that beauty, was that of nothing he has ever gazed upon in his travels, it was beyond the heavens and amongst the stars it seemed to dance.  He walked slowly into the field and towards it beauty with cautious steps and each step was impounding and touched his very soul. Then her eyes swayed towards him when he came into view and let a smile glimmer from her face and began to walk the other way to a lonely willow tree in the middle of the field in a playful way that would lead him to follow, and that he did, following his heart, and she seemed to hold the string. Then there she stood under the tree and began to gaze into the sunset.

As Tear got close to her she turned her head towards him and smiled. Tear extended his hand bearing his heart, bearing his soul for the first time. She reached back and placed her hand on top of his and cuffed it, and gazed into his eyes and into him internally. Then they stood next to the tree their hands begin to intertwine and both gazed off together into the sunset underneath the swaying of the branches. Then Tear asked what her name was, she answered with a tender voice "Divine" as he got closer to her and rapped his arms around and they sat down up against the tree, Devine laying on his chest. She almost seemed to listen to every heart beat his chest gave off, she was almost touching it thought with each inhale and exhale of breath, for they both finally felt the beauty of what it met to live, but not only that, but what it met to love.  In that moment it seemed as if time didn't matter, didn’t even exist and they both got rapped up in the pleasures of it all and fell asleep in each other arms. Many of a time this occurred to many to count and every time was always with a kiss of love that touched his fragile heart and Devine shed a tear because, she felt to beautiful when she was with him, so complete and wanted to cherish every moment. And whenever he awoke also to her beauty a tear of joy fell down his face for he felt as if this was bliss itself and nothing matches it.

But one time he awoke alone and with a shattered souls and empty tears he went looking for her everywhere. Eventually he found her drowning in her own sorrow in a lake of hurt. He dived in and tried to save her, didn’t matter if he lost his life in the process. For she is what he lived for, she was his heart. He pulled her out for a moment thinking he saved her but then she slipped back in. He jumped in after Divine and finally pulled her out with letting with such a strong grip and not letting her slip away, but she was choking and was going to fade. Divine lifted her head with the last of strength and kissed him with her crimson lips of hurt and let a tear fall from her eyes of forever one last time, then her eyes went blank from this life.

He broke down in such pain and anguish, screaming with deepness in his voice it echoes through the lands, all that heard it turned in that direction. But as he held her body laying there, He gazed upon her face shedding tears of blood, but then towards the sky for justice but none came. Then the EYE from above, justice itself, just looked down and just starred as if in amusement and did nothing. As tear looked in EYE he saw it all come barreling at him, Eye filled with knowledge and how his love ended here, Deceits secrets to destroy Tear. With rage Tear got up and lifted his Devine and carried her away from this lake of hurt. Tear walked passed Deceit's captive layer of no regret and felt Deceit glaring out upon him, he knew what he had to do, but not now. As tear walked past he heard Deceit say life is filled with emptiness and lies, no love just hurt, she was going to hurt you, it wasn’t real, I saved you from her, I loved you more then she could, I raised you now come to me, live in happiness with me and not in such a baron wasteland with no beauty. Come to me and I can change it all. Tear didn’t let his head sway and walked past, he would be back, but with justice in his hands. Tear kept walking until he came to the swaying field of forever sunsets and carried his lover to where the used to lay together underneath the willow tree with each stabbing into the ground memories of the season of that of the summer of his life, where there was love and love alone nothing more, nothingness in the memories where they got rapped up in the pleasure of it all but none to little, to ever forget.

Then Tear journey backed to the Ruble and Ruins one last time and grabbed the Ugly and Brought them to the lake of hurt and took there masks off and showed them how Truly ugly they looked for under obey the rules of tyrant so oppressing instead of obeying the rules of that of there heart. Some walked out of their Ignorance that they thought was bliss and saw the truth and rised up against Deceit with Tear leading them. For other they remand starring, stuck in the Ignorance our of fear looking at there reflection confused scared of there of change running back into there holes of the caverns of the city of ruble, and ruins. All those who stood up against deceit followed Tear bearing that of justice, and forgiveness. As they marched on towards Deceits Fortress and walked amongst the plain of harden molten black rock. The fortress now in view, Deceit stood in his tower looking down on them with a spiteful smile, he said "Turn back now and go back to the shadows of the underground, turn back and you shall be spared."

Tear reply back " You fill our lives with oppression and lies, making them work there to kill innocent souls for greed. You put them in the underground so they can not see the hope in that of light, you raped my heart and my life and for what cause, who are you to judge and lay out order, all for the greed of power and dominance. Now fear, for now justice has found you, and with these words we wipe your lies away, we are not our farther or tyrant and now you are but nothing so waste your hate and oppression else where, we turn our backs."

With that they turned around, and began to walk away. No sooner had they turned when Deceit turn a key in his tower podium that would release two enemies unlike any other that would infect the ugly in a horrible way. They were called jealousy and loathing.  They both seeped into The Ugly. The Ugly looked at each and felt hate beyond any other as they were filled with the Fury and Rage. The ones that didn’t stand strong picked up their swords they charged at each other. Tear looked upon it with horror. Deceit stood in his tower looking down and laughing. Most the ugly that did stand, fell to the ground bleeding it red in the end destroying themselves out of a waste, a waste of hate. Tear fell to the ground swiftly, for her was stabbed by the one he trusted most one who helped him find the sword, he was called Synthetic. Tear turned his head in pain looked with grief upon his friend. He saw immense anger in Synthetics eyes. But the anger faded, and turned into sorrow. Synthetic asked forgiveness but before Tear could speak them...he took his own life out of the pain for what he felt inside for the mistake he made.  As the blood splattered on Tear from Synthetic, the Jealousy and loathing tried to seep into him, but little did, for love triumphs over all. But poison seep in made him march up to the castle doors. He called for Deceit to open them but Deceit saw what burned inside of him and cowarded in fear. So Tear reaches to his sword and sliced the doors open. Both doors came down with great ease and fell with a thud. Deceit stood waiting for him in the center of his castle. His cloak of lies swaying in the breeze along with the dirt beneath his feet flew under him. Tear approached him slowly every step was a clap of thunder coinciding with his heart. He marched up to him within arms length. Deceit then said” it ends here, where it should have ended, before I should have killed you when I had the chance, you were a fool to leave, and only a fool to come back." Deceit with drew his blade. And they began to duel. There blades smashed against each other, metal against metal. Sparks flew with each protective block. Blood splattered on the ground from small cuts when the swords would come so close to the flesh.

When it was over the dirt was rising, Deceit lay on the ground on his knees weaponless. The whole time Deceit didn’t eve bother to look Tears eyes. "Do it, you are the victor but I will live forever in the infected hearts of the ones you have freed" Tear Replied by saying " I will leave u hear with my blade pointed at your chest till you fall onto it out of exhaustion." Tear then left Deceit on his knees tied up, a blade at his chest that was impaled into the ground. The only direction Deceit had to go was forward, down onto it. Justice had prevailed

Tear walked back to the swaying field of forever sunsets and stood over doorway of dirt wounded for he lost his heart and remembered the times spent with her and fell to the knees crying and in pain after lade under the tree waiting for his lover and shed a single tear everyday without her. Synthetics wound was slowly making tear ravished. Not to long after the day came when Tear fell but not fade and from that moment. in the same place they laid together the first flower bloomed in memory of love there itself. And over they years spread and multiplied giving beauty to colorless world, trying to match that of love Tear and Devine had.

But when Tear fell into sleep he saw his lover right by the tree with her arm extended reaching out for Tear with a smile and a tear in her eye. He put out his arm and her hand lay on top of his cuffed and intertwined their hands together. She lifted him up by his hand and they held each other in their arms of grace and never let go as and remand in this moment of bliss forever...

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poetvg's picture


Jessica Was Here's picture

Field is spelled correctly.

Rachel's picture

Good imagery. Interesting ideas.

However, it's really important that you proofread your spelling and grammar. For example, "u" is not a word. Your first sentence should begin "As time goes on you can still hear..." The spelling and grammar problems detract a lot from your content.

When someone reads your title, they will probably be immediately deterred from reading the story because you spelled "Field" wrong.

Another thing you might want to be careful about is using second person. When you say things like "Whenever you look off into the horizon you will always see sunsets," the reader is drawn into the story, and not in a good way.
(On a side note: in that sentence fragment I just quoted the words "whenever" and "always" are redunant- just pick

Your story would be improved by using more commas and general grammar. "Tear unfolds like a flower from that of the most beautiful flowers of all, the heart." That sentence has unclear grammar- "that of the most"? What?
Meaning does not come through.

I just realized that this website is a poetry site. (I sort of stumbled upon it and my editing instincts kicked in.)
In that case, you don't technically need grammar. However,
your piece reads like a story that doesn't have much grammar. The paragraph format and some punctuation make it not really poem-like.

So basically, my advice is to proofread before posting!
Good luck, hopefully this will help! :-)

sasha's picture

The imagery was truly beautiful, in all, I found it a well written piece and a fine use of the english language.