I Was Born To Die Today

I was born to die today.

I lie here with this bottle of Vodka,

Took me fucking ages to find my I.D so I could get the fucker,

And I unscrew the top off the bottle in my hand,

Down my throat such a sweet tonic,

Never thought it would come to this,

I had so many hopes and dreams and things I wanted to see,

People I wanted to meet and lovers I wanted to do.

I'm just a girl - not a slag or a whore,

But apparently you can't make mistakes in this world,

Your world.

I don't want to live in this world anymore.

Tell her that it wasn't her fault for abusing me,

Tell her that it wasn't her fault for leaving me,

Tell him it wasn't his fault for using me,

Tell him it wasn't his fault for not needing me.

It's my fault for not being strong enough to take what you give,

On the chin,

Or violently with my fist.

Tell her it's not her fault she's so pretty,

Tell him it's not his fault he's such a cunt.

Tell them it's not their fault for giving me hell.

I just couldn't take what they had to give,

Not with everything else as well.

One tablet down.

Two. Three. Four.

I could stop now,

But I want to take more.

Five. Six. Seven.

Soon I'll be in Heaven,

If only God forgives this mortal sin.

I laugh.

It's funny.

How can I believe in God yet do the thing He asks us not to?

I laugh even louder.

The room gets darker.


Then the laughter stops.

I was born to die today.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Don't worry about me. I'd only ever harm someone else.

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keep yo head up feltcha