I am falling, falling into a deeper sea,
Won't somebody rescue me?
In just six months my life has changed,
In just six months my body estranged,
Itself from my soul and my heart,
Confused: I slowly became torn apart,
I tried to comfort myself at your demise,
Thinking that at least you'd be proud at how wise,
Pretty and intelligent your Grandaughter is,
But the memories swirl and I find myself in a tiz,
As I'm no longer wise - you're probably ashamed,
At the fact that I am sharing your name,
How could I do these things that I've done?
I tried my best to be good to your son.
And now you're gone...
Is it really true?
Can't you wait one more day?
A week or two?
I always wanted you to see my children,
When I grow up - you'd have helped me raise them,
You were so good,
With us all,
Even though we drove you barmy,
You wouldn't let Daddy be sent to the army.
You made us all smile when you used to shout, 'Shit!'
And when we had been naughty - you'd never resist to hit,
You taught us to love, be strong and respect,
And though Dad never listened - he never wept,
Be proud of him, Nonna, like we're proud of you,
As it's cause of how well you raised your boys,
That made us turn out good, too,
When the bee scared us,
You slapped it with your hand,
You didn't care if it stung you,
You were protecting us and,
Every single day we'll pray for you now,
I know you'll see us again,
Some day, Some how.
Be happy and proud where-ever you are,
You're our Nonna, Mum,
We love you,
Forever and ever.
Beautiful honey, your Nonna would be proud x