
Bridie - thank you for making me see,

That what I wanted could never be,

I have to wait to find my King,

The one who'll take me to the clouds and make my heart sing,

With his guitar and that radio up there,

Someone who'll love me and someone who'll care,

I may not be gold, but I'm worth more than shit,

So it's about time I stepped back a little bit.

You say that I'm strong,

I wish it were true,

But as long as you're here,

I've a strength in you.

Thank you.

I love you.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I love tha Miss. Bridie!!

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Susie, you are incredible. This surprised me so much, and just.. Wow! You are unbelievable my love<3 Thankyou for writing this, and thankyou for being a GREAT friend ¢¾

I'm flattered beyond belief.

You truly are one of the most amazing young women to grace the world with her presence Miss Ardolino and don't let anybody ever make you fucking question that. Like I said, thankyou ¢¾