These tears will never stop falling,
Your name I'll never stop calling,
My heart will never stop weeping,
And I will never stop dreaming
Of you and our future together,
Because that's the way it should've been,
I was wrong and foolish and longing for more,
I didn't see that I had it all at, before.
There's nothing more that I can say,
There's nothing more that I can promise,
There's nothing more that I can regret,
Because it won't change any of this.
I'm writing this right now,
And I've got tears in my eyes,
Listening to our song,
And I know how shit this sounds...
But I don't care.
Because I'm doing it to try to forget,
I'm doing it to try to make it better,
And any time you feel the pain,
The pain that you think I don't feel,
It's ten times as worse for me,
Because I'm sat here knowing it was my fault.
I love you so much and there's nothing more to say.
I can't go on anymore. I quit. Goodbye.
cool, like it said... not worth a title
intense...i cant think of the right word...but it'd be something along the lines of tragically beautiful...
intense...i cant think of the right word...but it'd be something along the lines of tragically beautiful...
intense...i cant think of the right word...but it'd be something along the lines of tragically beautiful...