
congrats to the people up there.

congrats to the people up there who have conkered there dreams

congrats to the people who belive in them selfs.

congrats to you

cause you guys have made my dreams glow even more

cause you guys are making my dreams and thoughts every day

congrats to you

keep going strong

keep on helping others

cause now im going to work up to my goals

and im going to fallow my dreams and destination

its cause of you i'll smile

its cause of you it'll glow

Congrates for concering a dream of happiness

Author's Notes/Comments: 

ok i wrote this in grade eight right after a school gathering with awards and every thing. it really brought my hopes and dreams up i used to think that i was never going to get my dreams. never ever i thought. now its one step at a time little by little higher higher. and if someone brings me lower i know i well get higher. and i also want to inspire others to live up to your dreams and if you think u cant do it. keep going for it but always have a plan b.

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