It's funny how they say

It's funny how they say, "give and you shall receive", but they don't tell you that what you receive,  will make you regret ever giving

It's funny how they say to, "treat others how you want to be treated", but you seem to be the only one who is following that rule

It's funny how they say, "karma will get them back", but karma seems to all circle back only to you

It's funny how they say, "ignore them, just don't think about it" , when life sure likes to rub those things in your face

It's funny how they say, "do what makes you happy", but when you do they aren't happy, so they steal that happiness from you

It's funny how they say, "people love you", when all you've ever seen is a poorly worn mask of "love".

It's funny how they say, "you'll be happy one day" , yet people commit suicide everyday because their one day never came

It's funny how they say, "you won't kill yourself", but they have never opened their eyes and arms to my life

It's funny how they say...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Still one of my first poems so I know it's not good. I wrote this because all my life I have been hearing these things and I've kind of lost hope. I hope you like it 

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allets's picture

Good and Evil

exist side by side, always have. Platitudes are like sentiment intended to defer pain and not solve the need for more love and joy in the human interaction. Nice journal like quality.


A bad news day


really sucks eggs!

