
Out in the woods
my arms tied to a branch
Up over my head

my toes barely
Touch the ground
my legs wide spread

Off in "subbie space"
i find pure bliss
my body begging for more

Euphoria fills me
As pain mixes to form
Pleasure so complete

This moment going on forever
As wave after wave
Of ecstasy washes over my body.

View breanna_shaylee's Full Portfolio
Pretty Little Pain Whore's picture

(i have been unable to go to bed, having found alot more to do in r/t, then decided to get back online and read your poetry, as i couldn't wait until the morning - it's 00.45 here in the UK right now, and tho i need my Chloral, i also need to read your poems, and tho i cannot critique all of them tonight, i just had to critique this one and reply to the above critique)...

"Yes, don't W/we all?!"

re: this poem, amazing piece of work, as have been all your others that i've read, and i too have been tied to a tree and it was intense, it was a feeling of pure Euphoria as She bit into me and delivered other forms of pain (being bitten until i bleed being my personal favourite, aswell as Her personal favourite to inflict (apologies for being 'inappropriate', both to you and the one 'above'!), She and i are no longer together due to Her attempts to Dominate me OUTSIDE of scenes - yes i am the first to admit to loving to be Dominated during scenes but i will NOT have my every action dictated outside of them, so this eventually lead to O/our split, which, for some reasons, was unfortunate, but for others a relief).
Sorry for ranting on!, but i feel i can talk to you, feel free if you ever want to tell me to shut up - many O/others do, to S/some i will obey this request, to S/some i will not, for you i will, as i do not want to offend someone such as yourself, mainly out of respect but also for a few other reasons, which i won't go into now as i'm aware of just how much i've already written!
Right, i NEED that Chloral! Can't wait to get the chance to read more of your portfolio,
Take care,

(Thia Alisha Araya von Sacher-Masoch)

S74rw4rd's picture

On this one, you already know my opinion.
