my Poet

Though i have never seen Him
His words speak to me
Inspire some of my own

We may not agree on everything
But we can always see the beauty
The passion in each others' works

i greatly value His opinions
i completely trust His advice
And i know He feels the same

Though we have never met
Face to face
i feel i know Him deeply

He is my Poet and my Friend
And i
Am His

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem is to my Poet and my Friend. You know who You are.

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running_with_rabbits's picture

I really like how you came to

I really like how you came to the ending, it just naturally flowed there. Its funny I think we all meet a 'soul poet' on postpoems :)

Much Love


S74rw4rd's picture

A most generous and considerate tribute, and you can be certain that the Poet referred to is very likely utterly overwhelmed by your kindness, your acceptance (even of the minor disagreements), and, most of all, by admiration for your immense talent that constantly blossoms further with each poem you post.
