14 – Highway Robbery

Nigerian Diaries

06/12/04  22:20pm

Was going to reminisce about my trip to Port Harcourt a few weeks ago but I don’t think I can be fucked any more. Worked twelve hours today and I really can’t be bothered repeating the story. Most people who wanted/needed to know about it were told in emails anyway… maybe another time. Perhaps when I’m flying towards Dubai, getting out of the surrounding filth, I will feel more inspired.

Actually, my current surroundings aren’t so filthy. I’m back in Abuja. Back to the clean streets… a good warm up for the senses – just in time for the impending culture shock, due next Thursday morning, when I arrive in London.

I don’t even have the energy to winge about the hotel reservation mix-up debacle this morning. Nor do I have the energy to complain about the unknown asshole who vandalized one of the cables my driver brought up here – meaning it would be impossible for me to complete my job without flying back to Lagos to pick up a replacement cable. No, don’t think I have much energy for anything more tonight… not even a wank. So, goodnight.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

One day I might write about it...

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