Contract Revised

We did not meet just by circumstance; clearly it was by your strategic plot.

Originally unbeknowngst to me, later through our actions, your selfish intentions were not!

Years of engaging one another yet the intimate knowledge is one sided.

I live publically yet safeguard your identity with an unspoken agreement to hide it!

The lack of mutual knowledge is a great benefit to me, becasuse I honestly don't think I could handle the truth!

You can go to your grave with your secrets, I really don't give a fuck what you do!

Just remember the origin of our aquaintence and remind yourself of the boundaries.

I apologize for letting you cross the lines, because now thoughts of you immediately create a frown on me!

Our arrangement is a dual benefit, we both take pleasure in the passion as we satisfiy our occasional romantic and financial needs.

But now it is time to go back to the beginning and no longer be out of control.

No regrets needed because it is what it is; only GOD is prevy to what happens behind closed doors and the only one qualified to judge our souls.


By Bryant Mosley






Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sex workers should create and maintain boundaries for the  mental and physical saftey and well being of everyone involved

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