Moma The Blessing Of You Just Being You

48 Years ago without hesitation I was born into your unconditional care.

Never a day goes by that I ever doubt that you will always be there.

I will never take life for granted;a skill I instintively learned from you!

Second to GOD, I know your ears and hands are always willing to help me no matter what the issue is that I am going through.

The lack of limit to sacrifices you make for your children although now adults is astonishing.

The constant encouragment you give is without boundaries, even when you sense our choices are not promising.

You effortlessly navigate your own stuggles while prioritizing your family, so I sincerely thank you for everything you do.

I know it it is not always easy supporting our many challenges, so most of all moma I want to thank GOD for gifting us the blessing of you just being you.


Happy Mother's day 2024 Moma







Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is my 2024 annual Gratitude Mother's Day Poem for my mother.

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