Let's be clear

Good morning, afternoon, evening or whichever time of day it is.

I appreciate your unsolicited feedback and attempt to double dip managing your affairs while also  trying to be all up in so my bizz.

But as an act of precaution I feel it is necessary that I make a few things clear.

Although I assume you mean well; please note that I existed way before the convenience of social medi's instant strangers input my dear!

Having said that, it's equally important to note that "text" format can often be miscostrued.

As it pertains to me specifically, I would appreciate that you choose your "text" wisely to prevent a response that may be misinterpreted as rude.

I would also suggest as a general rule of thumb that you tread lightly in any public comment on a stranger's post.

You're solely responsible for any unexpected reaction with your attempts to thow slight shade or blatantly just doing "the most".

We are  all entitled to live our lives in the best way we see fit.

What is right for you may not be right for me and truth be told your opinion does not matter one bit.

It is ok to have your opinions while keeping in mind that it just that; "Yours".

Let's be clear, your intrusive opinion has never been influential in opening any of my unique historical doors. 

Having said all this, the take away is, you're more than welcome to continue to spectate.

I am so glad I was able to educate you on how to proceed with engagning me before my knee jerk defensive "read" indicate it was to late. 

In conclusion and in the spirit of being clear; it is super important to note what landed us here.

You alone made the comment without researching my back story, failing to realize my comfort in my skin did not derive from operating my life in fear. 

Whether virtual or in person I conistently move the same way.

Don't mistakenly end up with a harsh reality check due to predicting a civil response  just because I am gay!


By Bryant Mosley










Author's Notes/Comments: 

In this day an age of social media, it is so easy to be trolled by strangers who know absolutely noting about your history yet impose unsolicited comments or throw shade due to the convenience of sitting behind a key board or their phone. It is extremly irritating minding your own business when a complete stranger tries to be funny making sly comments on your posts etc. 

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