I repose with you in my heart
And stir to grey matter destruction
You, drowning in a desolation more alluring than existence
A locus where God doesn't discern you anymore
All credence lost, obscured by inky overwhelming
I descend deep to pull you out, a futile endeavor
Perpetually engulfed in your madness
I end up faithless too
My heart bursts into shards of glass
Hemorrhaging on a floor of harrowing recollection
Now I wear my darkness like a little black dress for all the world to see
Again, your mastery of
Again, your mastery of metaphor and the way you deploy it is more impressive than my poor words can express. The final line of this poem packs a real punch---like the finest, say, of the old Twilight Zone episodes. I am really glad to have browsed over to your poems this morning. I am very, very impressed.