Politics do matter, - don't forgo
This so seeming worldly discipline,
Voters give their "Yes” or give their “No”
And determine who will lose or win.
Lo! Staunch Massachusset's Senate seat.
Of renown and greatly coveted,
To be won, or lost in harsh defeat,
People speculate, disquieted.
Praise the Lord! - who victory's shining crown
Did bestow on Scott who drives a truck,
T’is a truck that never let him down,
Never stuck, - he snatched from it his pluck.
Ready is the Lord to fast derail,
Plans hatched behind doors by two-faced man,
And defeat man’s cunning tooth and nail,
To replace it with His greater plan,
Tone-deaf is the helmsman that does steer,
Who ignores the people’s ardent quest,
Yet the Arrogant that does not hear
Hears the Lobbyists and Special Interest.
Lo ! it matters much what man does steer,
The broad boat of Law and Government.
Do the travellers relax or squirm in fear?
Is disaster perhaps round the bend?
But the Lord turned matters upsidedown,
For He is the one that does provide,
And He moved staunch hearts to pick Scott Brown,
Be he blessed with strength to turn the tide!