Death Apostles

At times I hear an urgent inner call

To go and write of things political;

A voice tells me persistently: “Arise-

And go denounce the circulating lies.!”

“Now hear an axiom,- which must be taught-

Political correctness is a fraud!-.

A risky thing it is you can’t afford;

So go at once and throw it overboard.!”

“It holds for Death Apostles sweet allure

Provides for them a haven so secure,

Political correctness shields the creep

And holy warriors that make God weep“.

It holds the gates and portals open wide

For the Apostels' bags of cyanide.

“It must be shunned alike a hornet‘s nest,

Or like sciatica and Rinderpest-”

The media chatter like a bunch of geese

And speak of breach of Civil Liberties.

The public fears the dirty bomb attack

Yet Civil Rights attorney Jack MacFleck

Fails to confirm  explosions do set free,

But render pointless Civil Liberty.


“By prayer you may dirty bombs deflect

But stop to be politically correct”

The voice tells me-”now go and tell them all

There is no shame to be political-”

“You are involved in matters of your day

Therefore it is no use to slink away.

So practice politics that will reflect

Concerns that be- but strike the word “Correct“.!

But I, - I ask forgiveness from you all

For singing in a tune that sounds political,-

With Death Apostles now surrounding us

I am directed to ring bell and buzz

And am egged on by this commanding voice

Forgive me readers -see I have no choice!.

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Animal Rights Coalition 9's picture

Who is Jack MacFleck and what civil liberties issue
does he support?

Heather Studebaker's picture

wonderful use of rhyme.
wonderful message.
wonderful poem.