The Zodiacal Sign Pisces

Pisces - The Dreamer

Feb.19-March 20

Element - Water

Quality - Mutable

Ruler Neptune, Jupiter

The twelfth sign of the Zodiac, - the last

Is Pisces,  symbol sun-sign unsurpassed.

In  it the Virgo sees fulfilled her dream

And  sings through it her lullaby to Him.

Among the signs and symbols zodiacal

The Pisces sign  is the most spiritual-

Connected by a silver cord they flit

In currents and directions opposite.

These fishes both are representative-

(So sages and astrologers believe)-

As typical of Spirit and of Soul,

That yearn to be united  as a whole.

And  Pisces represent the final stage,

Asserts the prophet-seer and the sage,

In human growth and its development,-

Maturity is finally obtained

Compassionate is their approach to life,

Men look   to the dreamy Pisces to revive

Love universal in the hearts of men

And quench the  darkness subterranean.  

Neptune is sovereign,--  deep water’s lord,

Rules sea and  dreamy Pisces in accord

With rules set down from all eternity.

Lord of the soul’s core and profundity,

Pisceans can feel such great empathy

To take upon themselves another’s pain,

And in exchange for  generosity

Do  spirit’s loftiest realm fast attain.

Their mouths are linked by a strong silver line

Inextricably bound -on planet earth- the twain,

But  Spirit yearns to soar to highest height,

While soul is bound to body’s dusky weight.

Un-free because the lumpy form of clay

Will try to dominate and hold its sway;

Duality in Pisces is combined-.

A symbol gentle, loving, sweet  and kind.

Their talents  uplift the community,

And if religious long for  sanctity,

And with deep  visions and creativeness,

The  reach the realm of the numinous..

Compassionate, creative, mystical

Affectionate, profound,  emotional-

Imaginative and intuitive-

Read secret thoughts and symbols,  sign and glyph;.

Are soulful, gracious and benevolent,

Sweet Pisces love to lend a helping hand,

Have the Six’s Sense --hear water lilies sigh,

But yearn  and strive to merge and unify.

Ultra-artistic, flitting to and fro-

Flaunt mystic scales like Michelangelo-

To bond with men and pets is Pisces’ “must”-

But careful gentle Pisces  whom you trust!

Christ ushered in Himself the Piscean age-

Divined by pious pagan priest and sage,

We cannot know how Romans were apprised

That ICHTUS spells in Greek the name of Christ

When in the catacombs deep underground

The Fish glyph  symbol on the walls was found;

Hail to the roundel’s number twelve that brings

With orbs a-whirling  Christ- the King of Kings!.

Best wishes to all Pisceans!

© Elizabeth Dandy

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Maria Luana's picture

i am a picses...and only now found out that christ ushered in that age...your words truyl touch on the duality we feel...the call of that higher one who knows where my true path lies...and the pull of that lowly one who knows how my heart lies....thank you for sharing...