Silence Please

St. Thomas, -  in his books and writings buried,

Forgot that it was Vesper time and hurried

To Chapter, -leaving pen, books, quill and slate

And ran to Vespers now,- for he was late.

Passing a statue,- (Blessed Mother)- he could hear

A voice, and Thomas stopped and pricked his ear;

The statue stooped and neared his tonsured pate,

And whispered : “Thomas! -Thomas!- you are late!”

“Hush, hush, made Thomas-  “ Mary silence-please!”

For at this hour talk forbidden is-

No whispering, talking  chatting, nor dispute,

But silence Mother - silence absolute“!

The voice persisted to reiterate:

“Dear Thomas, hurry! - hurry! -  you are late!.”

But the Angelic Doctor, much annoyed spoke thus:

O Mary dear, please do not make such fuzz!

We have some problems with paynim Mahoud,

Have you not heard about my latest  feud,

With Averroes and Sheik Saladin?

You do not know the trouble we are in

But please respect our orders discipline!.

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Silence is golden
silence is bliss
any more of such silence
and all hope is dismissed!

As always - Good work