The Kursk

Three years ago, a submarine

Called “Kursk” met her tragic fate,

At the bottom of the Berents Sea

And help came far too late.

Before our eyes now on TV

Is shown a sad repeat,

A ship is trapped below the sea

And its crew in desperate need.

This time albeit it’s different,

They do our help permit,

Lo! Russia accepts our helping hand,

And help comes forth with speed.

They come by land, by sea, by air,

Determine the quickest route,

But hurry to help the crew - beware!

Their oxygen goes out.

T ’is not the Kursk that lies today

At the bottom of the sea,

But a Mini-Sub, and I ask you to pray

For  help in this tragedy!

In Remembrance of the Tragedy of the Russian Submarine Kursk and its 118 Sailors that perished beneath the Berents Sea.

I am not Russian, yet disconsolately

I cry about the Kursk’s great tragedy

In the dark waters of the Berents Sea

And ask the Lord: ”why did this have to be?”

My heart aches for One-Hundred- Eighteen

Entombed, entrapped in the doomed submarine

With dwindling air, trying to break free,

Why, Lord,- why did this have to be?

In vain and futile to excoriate

The proud that asked for helping hands too late

Woe onto image- seeking national pride

That spurned the hands equipped to turn the tide!

Poor weeping mothers waiting to arrive

Rescuing ships to save their young sons life,

Who, for some meager rubles’ salary

Perished beneath the unforgiving sea.

Lament, denounce the chill philosophy

Of callous granite-hearted KPG!

Woe onto dragging feet and woe-betide delay!

Tell-tale of darkly powers holding sway.

Too late, and futile to eviscerate

The fervently elected head of state,

Chill politics, sans pity and sans ruth

Will take control and cover up the truth

Brave sons!, perhaps -maybe-divine decree

Exacted pay for Chechnya’s agony.

Oh Lord, we pray,- we pray -draw onto you,

Into your heart the brave and gallant crew.!

For you alone oh Lord can oversee

The root and core of human tragedy;

And understand its awesome mystery;

And you alone know why this had to be.

This poem was written while the international helpers were still trying to save the submarine.

Elizabeth Dandy



Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem was written while the international helpers were still trying to save the submarine.
I was deeply stirred by it.

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