The Zodiacal Sign Virgo

August 23 - September 22

Quality: - Mutable

Element: - Earth

Ruler is Mercury

Key Word

"I analyze"

Who  analyzes all she sees?

Yes, who would analyze a sneeze?

Who hugs and loves her own disease?

Humph! Virgo!

The Virgo is of Earth’s Element-

Depicted with a flower in her hand

Based on the Pentagram, its petals are

Linked closely to the magic Penta-star.

As nameless goddess once at Babylon

She was depicted sitting on a throne.

And Egypt showed her forth as goddess “Isis”-

Petitioned, and implored in need and crisis.

Her “Spica” sigils, - ears of corn or wheat

Adorned her garb and curled round her feet,

And sacrificed to her was lamb or goat

If famine overwhelmed the land, or drought

The V-shaped crossing on a head of grain

Resemble bandages that do constrain-

Its spirals going forth and in reverse

Support the broken arm and lift the curse.

Christians, - obliterating Isis’ face,

Designed “Maria Virgo” - full of grace! -.

Twelve gleaming  penta-stars now shone instead

Of corn or wheaten “Spicas” round her head.

Designs evolved, and changed  in every way,

And so did presentation and display;-

Some artists showed her in a cup recline

And round this chalice tendrils of young vine.

Some legends tell, and many an ancient tale

Of knights in quest to find this “Holy Grail”.

Be this deep mystery  or folksy myth, -

Its said she smashed a dragon’s head and teeth.

Discernment keen - - with quiet temperament,-

Discriminating and  intelligent.!

With longing to the “Fish” sign she looks out-

That, when revealed, will put the fiend to rout.

She is the sixth of symbols zodiacal,

Reliable, sincere, methodical,

Her color is a gold-brown russet-red,

Her ears of wheat or corn yield finest bread.

Vettius Valens did with her consult

And says she has a fling for the occult,

And in assemblies has her special niche,

But is a spendthrift that can overreach.

As polar opposite of Pisces, she

Does analyze with sharp acuity;

Is independent, deft  and practical,-

Her favored music form - the MADRIGAL

Concerned with many details, Virgo she

Is not to blame, but her Lord Mercury,-

Her WILL gives over  to cool reason’s sway

Who keeps vain fantasies and dreams at bay.

Her symbol is the cube, I know not why,

For mathematics and algebra high,

Great Pytagoras and geometry-

All the above are not my cup of tea.

Her eyes are sparkling with intelligence,

Her judgment keen, and great her competence

She vibes with dreamy Pisces very welll,

And has a stake with them, so seers tell.

Her special stone and gem is the Opal,

Her single mindedness,- proverbial,

This latter attribute of Virgo is

The sacred stone to crack analysis.

Mutable is Virgo's  quality,

Who keenly analyzes poetry.

Her Spica Star a-gleaming, Virgo lures

Fair Minnesingers, bards and Troubadours.

Best wishes to all Virgoans!

Elizabeth Dandy

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Breathe Peace's picture

please do not insult virgo, the sign of vegan love
of animals, by associating it with the animal sacrifice
of your pentagrams

pangan_l_l's picture

I like how you describe the likes of me...LoL.
Great write girl. You pen it with so much wit
glazed with rhyme and perfect flow. Like it mucho.

Keep writing and thanks for critiquing my penned
"Live Me Today".