Who's Theme

[English translation on bottom :) ]

連れてって あなたの場所へ

風になって 息をひそめて

連れてって あなたはどこへ

時を超え 心ほどいて

ゆれる日だまり 白く遠く

あても知らない 記憶ほどく

薫る向日葵 未だに 散らない 気長に

教えてよ全てを 知ってしまう不安

なのになぜ知りたくなる ゆらぐ想いよ

春夏秋冬奏でて 明日を行く旅積み重ねて

気付けばあなたと 夢の果てまで

連れてって あなたの場所へ

風になって 息をひそめて

連れてって あなたはどこへ

時を超え 心ほどいて

耳をすませて たそがれるまで

隠れたままで 迎え待って

気紛れな風 きっかけめくれて思い出

あの頃 何気なく聞こえていた言葉

いつからか心の中 大きく占める

春夏秋冬奏でて 明日を行く旅積み重ねて

気付けばあなたと 夢の果てまで

連れてって あなたの場所へ

風になって 息をひそめて

連れてって あなたはどこへ

時を超え 心ほどいて

(English translation)

Take me to where you are.

I'll be the wind, holding my breathe.

Take me to… where are you going?

Pass over time and ease your mind.

The wavering sunny spot is white and far away.

I read my unreliable memory.

The fragrant sunflowers aren't

scattered yet; patiently.

Tell me the uneasiness of

getting to know everything.

Why do we want to know that

though we are uneasy?

My thought is shaken.

I played the music about the four seasons,

and go on the journeys to

the future one after another.

When I have noticed, I am on the way

to the end of our dreams with you.

Take me to where you are.

I'll be the wind, holding my breathe.

Take me to… where are you going?

Pass over time and ease your mind.

Listen closely till evening comes.

Wait to pick you up, with hiding yourself.

The fickle wind started me off

turning over the pages of my memories.

The words that I heard casually in those days.

It occupies most in my heart all too soon.

I played the music about the four seasons,

and go on the journeys to

the future one after another.

When I have noticed, I am on the way

to the end of our dreams with you.

Take me to where you are.

I'll be the wind, holding my breathe.

Take me to… where are you going?

Pass over time and ease your mind.

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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