M elodies I can’t see
U nless it tilts my spirit
S o show me what connects
I nside us all — this
C oloful atmosphere?
T urn around, oh,
R ally the beats
A t once.
V intage, weighty heart
E cho, echo, echo, ergo
L et go of it.
S tray not off the rhythm, lyric, and base.
T here is no place to
H ide from noise sweetened.
R ally the beats
O ver into my soul via…D-I-F-F-U-S-I-O-N…and thus
U surped temporarily is my bored self
G enerating artistic appreciation
H appens instantaneously!
T um da-da dum, da-dum, da-da-da dum
H ello moment’s lightness. (^_^) You’re divine.
E ven so that angel’s music can’t compare.
A h, damn.
I s it finished, already?
R ally a beat no longer.
Go wit it! - Kevin L.
I love the line 'Hello moment's lightness. You're divine'
It really caught me