Far Beyond the Willow Whispers

Far beyond the willow whispers I hear your name

seeking repose poetically from the disturbance.

Twice and thrice I write so much at one's behest

and these words, ah, the Sauterne of the life of mine.

Or, perhaps as hemlock when the days are dreary.

Muster the paper, armed with pen, go seize that vivacious thought.

Yet what if I do no hear it call lest it is gone?

Then cast a fishing line it will come again if tried.

Once the lure is bit' strike at it quickly.  Quickly now!

Caught it speaks to me, here is the chance to write.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A poem about writing poetry, responding to some days when writing something truly meaningful, expressive, or personal is at its peak.  And if wanting to write something lacks the fire to create the flames (in other words writer's block or no inspiration) then go hunt it down yourself and see what happens.  /  And as a sidenote, the name I hear calling, the name I want to catch, the name that speaks to me in this piece is creativity.

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

excellent piece I really like this one..

Sharon Wunsch's picture

Big sources of inspiration for me are anger, erotic love, and serendipitous moments while hiking in the woods or strolling along a beach. Sometimes ideas strike me while I'm playing piano and after missing a bunch of notes, I give up and pull out my notebook. You express your thoughts very poetically here.

Alan Cheng's picture

Catching an inspiration at the palm of your hand is always fantastic, and I bet that sometimes, people do get writers block, and I guess that it's happened to me a couple of times before, but yeah, you should be able to hunt down the inspiration if you don't have it. It's a great written piece that you've got there, Bryan!! I honestly liked it a lot!! =)