Airport Headaches

Daily Affairs

Yesterday, my sis and I went to 'Frisco, for, hopefully,

she'll have her passport finally processed.

Ever since last February it still hasn't come

so she made a few phone calls, sent some e-mails

hoping that she may get is ASAP.

Her flight is next Monday.

Supposedly she would receive hers by now

however nothing came.

Six weeks sent prior and nothing.

Well, no news which pissed her off completely.

But the latest since last Thursday, made another phone call,

asked if her application has been processed.

Believe it or not, they had not.

I can understand, it's nearly Spring Break

with folks flying all over the place.

Said it was urgent, she was asked to come over to 'Frisco

so that she may finally have hers ready.

We did.

We made an emergency appointment.

But whoa, the lines were monstrous long...

reaching to the outside of the airport doors.

We came over 5 a.m. in the morning,

a 1 1/2 hour drive from where we reside depending on traffic,

awaking at 3 just to have it done and over with.


Once we reach the counter,

we get it processed YET

we need to return at 3 in the afternoon.

We waited.

When we return, guess what?

They're "busy."

But you could've given it to us if it was ready to pick up.

We're asked to fucking get back

at the end of a DIFFERENT line,


Okay, if you're so busy why didn't you tell us

in the first place at the counter previously

so that we know AHEAD OF TIME.

We would have been in line already, three hours back.

At least we'll be informed, prepared,

not wasting TIME, MINE AND YOURS.

I don't get it.

Your job may be stressful but

also consider the people in line having a stressful time too.

I thought the DMV lines were bad,

but this is fucking terrible.

My sis starved, told her just go ahead, I'll wait in line

while you get some food so she did.

I hadn't had much except that leftover Cioppino dish

I made before I left.

Amazing, talked to the person behind me.

Says he's from Utah, drove here

because he hadn't has his passport processed as well.

Says he's flying out of the country.

But drove all the way here to San Francisco?

Wow, another one from Lake Tahoe nearby.

I guess we were all in the same boat.

Had a headache,

felt like collapsing from all of this nonsense.

Shit, can't the passport processing people

get better organized so that events like these won't happen?

Or beforehand, prevent it with getting things done?

We returned home a quarter to eight in the evening.

Yesterday was a mess.

The passport attained,

I'm glad I got home.

Yet I feel bad for the ones who travelled afar

just to have the same thing done.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

March 31, 2007  /  Journal Entry;  note:  always get passport after April when less busy.  Or before January.  Reason - those flying off somewhere for Spring Break.

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Alan Cheng's picture

I can understand that often at times, it's really a headache to stand in line and wait for a passport to be processed. It sucks to just stand there and wait for a very long and might I say (a very boring time)!!

For me, I can't stand too long, otherwise, I need to sit down. It's always been that way with me, but I guess that it's always been that way for other people too, so yeah.

This is a very good journal entry, and I'm glad that you mentioned this!! It's something that is needed to be said, and I'm glad that you had the courage to say it!! =)

(Aka: Avalon)

Sharon Wunsch's picture

I hate airports. Once I was flying out of Geneva
and security must have thought my viola was a machine
gun or full of drugs. I almost missed my plane.
Glad your sister finally got her passport processed.