Word Blind (Linked Haiku)

Rengou {Poems}

There are many ways

Than words spoken from the mouth

To communicate.

What of sign language

To gesture hand signals

To say what you feel?

Or of reading lips

When words leave the orifice

As you watch closely?

How about the braille

Reading words with your fingers

Across dotted paper?

Or one's emotion

And how you express yourself

Through your own actions?

Word blind is still sight

Even with impediments

obstructing one's path.

Understanding is

Still possible without

The use of one's speech.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have an older cousin with whom I can speak with sign language.  Although I'm not competent enough I try hard to talk with him.  This is what this poem is partly about.

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Yup, I agree! - Kevin